Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ride Log - 21 April 2009 - The sun is up and...

...it's getting hot! Of course, 70 degrees will feel cool when the 100 degree weather comes along. But 70 is hot after riding in 40 degree temps for the last couple months. I actually opened my jacket vents today.

I was talking to the guys at work about this insane ride I saw on YouTube. It's a motorcycle land speed record at the Maxton mile track. Here it is.

(Conditions - Time: 8:00am & 4:30pm; Temp: Hi - ~71F, Lo - 46F; wind: 5 mph SE; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Saxon - Solid Ball of Rock, Sister Hazel - Somewhere More Familiar; Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, light gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Get your motor runnin'... Ride Log - 20 April 2009

...Get out on the highway.... Yes! Spring is back this week, at least through Thursday. It's almost warm enough in the mornings that I don't need any insulative gear. I'm down to just an extra sweatshirt under my jacket. The afternoons are almost starting to feel hot. For some reason there seem to be more cars on the road too. Traffic on the way home was pretty bad with lots of stop and go and an unusually large number of rear-enders. I don't want to be one of them.

A few of the guys at work are starting to talk about going out riding at lunchtime. I look foward to it. In a previous post (April 1) I reviewed a couple motorcycle sites that have good motorcycle route reviews. However, my favorite site is CanyonChasers. It is run by a group out of Salt Lake. Their lead is a guy named Dave who is a certified MSF instructor and teaches the Utah Riders courses and advanced riding courses out at Miller Motorsports Park. He was actually my teacher in the course I took. He is a very good rider, instructor and all-around nice guy. Anyway, CanyonChasers has a really nice set of "Treasure Maps" that locates and reviews a number of canyon rides from Alaska to Southern Utah! I really like their reviews because they are enjoyable to read as well as informative. They also have a really nice two-part rating system. They rate the technical difficulty of the road (1-5, easy - technical) as well as the quality of the road (A - F, excellent to poor). This gives me a good idea which roads I might try first based on my skill level and experience. The also have equipment reviews and stuff. It's a great site. Check it out.

...Looking for adventure...and whatever comes our way....

(Conditions - Time: 8:30am; Temp: Hi - ~67F, Lo - 43F; wind: 5 mph SE; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Collective Soul, Dosage; Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, light gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ride Log -13 April 2009

Happy Easter everyone! Unfortunately I didn't get out over the weekend, but today was beautiful. Looks like we'll get another storm front Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday look promising. Things were a bit chilly this morning, but I was on the road earlier than usual. It was still upper 30s. This afternoon the temp was perfect at 61 degrees.

The ride felt a bit edgy today, however. I encountered several drivers on both ends of the commute that got me a bit jumpy. Nothing too bad, just overly aggressive driving. This morning as I was coming up into a section where another road merges with the highway I had a truck behind me pushing the speed and riding my tail a bit. As we came to the merge section, I signaled my intention to switch to the merge lane and when I checked my mirror again the truck had already sped up and began to change lanes across the double white behind me. I was nervous he was going ride up my tailpipe. Ultimately he held off and let me in, but what was really annoying was that he got off on the next exit 1/2 mile away. Gees people! What is the rush!? Are you willing to run somebody over just to get to your destination 7 seconds sooner?

This afternoon saw a lot of the same thing. Drivers darting in and out, speeding up and slowing down unexpectedly, nosing into spaces even too small for me. I wasn't so concerned about getting hit myself as much as some idiot causing some chain reaction that would find me unavoidably in the middle. I appreciate the experience though. I suppose it helps to keep me cautious and alert enough to anticipate problems. Commuting shouldn't necessarily be a joy ride.

(Conditions - Time: 7:00am; Temp: Hi - ~60F, Lo - 38F; wind: 8 mph S; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Library shuffle/Chicago - Greatest Hits, Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask, heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ride Log - 7 April 2009

Spring is setting me up for a fall again. This morning was beautiful. Still a bit chilly, but better than yesterday. I love the feel of the vibration of the wind over my helmet. When the air is 'lukewarm' it is almost envigorating. Of course, this morning was not lukewarm, but not too brisk.

As riders, we so often rant about those poor foolish souls who like to cut in front of us and use up the space cushion between us and the car we are following. Occassionally, however, one encounters a courteous driver that is aware of those around him. This morning I saw one. This particular driver wanted to merge into my lane. He was nice enough to spot me, signal, and then waited for me to give him some room before he barged in. I really appreciated that driver. So, thank you, to whoever you are. May others follow your example.

As a sidenote, last night's ride home was uneventful, but I got home and my wife asked, "Are you tired of riding?" Of course not! So she sent me to the Tooele Valley Meats to get some ground beef on sale. I learned that I could fit at least 51 lbs of ground beef in my saddle bags. Not bad. I did have to move quick, though, to prevent the poor old fellow who was holding the metal tray of beef packages from sliding the tray down on my gas tank as we were loading the bags. That would have left a nice mark.

(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~40F; wind: 2 mph N; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Draggon Force - Inhuman Rampage, Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask, heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Head Back Into The Wind

And we're back...for a couple days at least. Winter finally gave us another reprive so I was able to ride again today...barely. I didn't think to put the trickle charger on my battery over the last couple weeks and the poor bike would barely turn over. I finally had to push start it. At least you can still push start a bike these days.

It was a bit chilly this morning; about 35 degrees, but I'm just glad to not be taking the bus again. This afternoon should be excellent at about 60 degrees. Tomorrow should be even better, but I understand Wednesday should include another "disturbance." I guess we'll see.

(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~35F; wind: 1 mph N; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Clint Black - Greatest Hits, Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask, heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New ride ideas.... And the joke continues

...as April showers continue to give way to winter fluries along the Wasatch Front. April Fool's Day is fully upon us and so are a few more inches of snow. Granted, the spring skiers are giddy for the new fluffy stuff, and I wouldn't mind a trip to the slopes right now. But, I am in a state of withdrawal haveing had no descent weather to ride in for over a week and don't forsee any improvement in the week or two to come. I do hear that Saturday may be fair. Maybe I can catch a ride between sessions of LDS General Conference.

Once again, since I am bereft of an actual ride I have been hunting for ideas to fill this space that might interest other riders...besides my own exploits. Last year I found a site that documented different motorcycle ride routes and rated them based on their characteristics (i.e., scenic, sweeping curves, twisties, and unpaved). It is at MotorcycleRoads.us and lists routes all across the nation. So if you're looking for a good road to ride check it out. your's truly even submitted a route that takes Utah highway 199 from Rush Valley to Dougway through a short mountain pass. The route is nothing too spectacular, but I thought it was a good introduction to "twisties" for a new rider. Another similar site is MotorcycleRoads.com. This site currently lists about 10 tour routes throught Utah and rates scenery, road quality and amenities. Hopefully these sites are helpful as you plan your spring break ride. Anyway, enjoy the spring weather and hope to getcher head-in-the-wind soon.