Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ride Log 5 - 12 May 09 & TCLOCS

This last week has been wonderful riding weather. It has been getting progressively warmer and sunny. Of course those of you who've been riding here know that. My commute has been enjoyable and without significant incedent. UDOT has started construction on highway 201 between Bangerter and 56th west to add a lane both ways. It hasn't been too big of a disruption thus far, but this morning an accident at 56th west diverted me to the surface roads and kept me in the saddle for an extra 20 minutes. I didnt' mind that too much other than I was hoping to get to work a little early and my butt was getting pretty tired by the time I got there.

In keeping with my desire to include interesting motorcycle topics, I've chosen to discuss "TCLOCS." TCLOCS is a mneumonic for remembering the components of the pre-ride inspection: Tires and wheels, Controls, Lights, Oil, Chasis, Stands. Just like good car care, we should do a regular and frequent check of our bikes before we ride. Unfortunately, most of us don't do a very good job of making a thorough inspection of our cars on a weekly basis as recommended. Therefore, I doubt we do any better with our bikes. I know it is difficult for me to remember to take the time to do. I'm trying to commit myself to doing better though. My perception may be wrong, but it seems that a failure on my bike that could have been prevented by regular inspection, is likely to be much more dangerous that one on my car. For example, I would hate to be going down the freeway and lose my chain or blow a tire on my bike.

TCLOCS is a thorough inspection process. It doesn't take too long. In fact. If you get in the habit, you can do almost half the inspection in about 1 minute every time you get on your bike. If your good at giving your bike a weekly bath during the riding season, then it becomes a natural part of your bike care. Follow this link to the MSF Library for a form that lays out all the components of the TCLOCS inspection. I hope this is helpful as you get your head in the wind... and keep the shiny side up.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ride Log - 6 May 2009

Ah, the weather is finally starting to stabalize out a bit allowing for more consistent rides. Yesterday morning, I was out early (about 5 am) and the temperature was great! Today is going to feel hot.

It's always interesting to me how some days the flow of traffic feels so rushed and other days it is so relaxed. Today was a relaxed day. Typically, as I come into work down highway 201 the traffic all seems to blaze along at 80 mph. It's a 60 mph zone. I can cruise along at 75 and still feel "pushed". But then there are days like today where I can cruise at 65 and no one seems to be in a big hurry. It's just very interesting. I wonder if there really is a difference in the general driver attitude or if it is all in my own mental state and perception? Anyway, just a random observation.

I'm experiencing some sort of mechanical anomoly right now. The other day I noticed that my chain had become quite sloppy so I tightened it up. But, now I've got a strange vibration that is occuring. The rear wheel feels like it is binding about 1/4 turn of every rotation. I thought it might be the rear brake needing adjustment after adjusting the chain tension, but I adjusted that and don't seem to get a difference. Everything else looks right. The only thing I notice is that the chain is tighter at a certain point in the rotation and looser in the rest. I'm still new enough to the motorcycle mechanics that I'm not sure what to make of it. Guess I better call the shop.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Too busy riding

Okay, so I've missed a few days blogging. Not like it matters much, since I am probably the only one who reads this, but...I'll keep at it. The last week has been good. I've been able to ride every day. It has been on the cooler side, but I haven't had to bundle up too much.

The commute has been relatively tame. I did have one morning that I got a good scare, but it turned out to be nothing. I was in a lane on I-15 that exits on 53rd South. It is also a lane that has people merging on from 45th South. It's one of those that's tricky because the drivers exiting are having to move through this lane to get off at the same time and place that the drivers entering. So I'm in this lane and I decide to move to the furthest inside lane so I'm out of the way of the entering and exiting vehicles. I signaled to change to my right and as I looked over my right should to check my path a huge black vehicle comes flying past right where I'm about go. My heart jumps in my throat and I learch on the brake, at the same time to realize that it is just the shadow of the semi passing on my left, casting its shadow across my lane. What a relief. I thought I was going to be clipped, and then rear-end by my quick decleration. Fortunatley all was well. Just watch out for shadows.

On another note, I ran across a cool pic of one of my guitar heros, Neil Schone of Journey sitting on a very cool looking chopper. I don't go for choppers much, but I like this one. In truth I've always loved Journey's album art (as well as their music). I'm thinking one day I'm going to have some form of their winged beetle emblem painted on my bike. I think it would be awesome.
Here is a sample. (See more cool scarob designs at