Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ride Log - 6 May 2009

Ah, the weather is finally starting to stabalize out a bit allowing for more consistent rides. Yesterday morning, I was out early (about 5 am) and the temperature was great! Today is going to feel hot.

It's always interesting to me how some days the flow of traffic feels so rushed and other days it is so relaxed. Today was a relaxed day. Typically, as I come into work down highway 201 the traffic all seems to blaze along at 80 mph. It's a 60 mph zone. I can cruise along at 75 and still feel "pushed". But then there are days like today where I can cruise at 65 and no one seems to be in a big hurry. It's just very interesting. I wonder if there really is a difference in the general driver attitude or if it is all in my own mental state and perception? Anyway, just a random observation.

I'm experiencing some sort of mechanical anomoly right now. The other day I noticed that my chain had become quite sloppy so I tightened it up. But, now I've got a strange vibration that is occuring. The rear wheel feels like it is binding about 1/4 turn of every rotation. I thought it might be the rear brake needing adjustment after adjusting the chain tension, but I adjusted that and don't seem to get a difference. Everything else looks right. The only thing I notice is that the chain is tighter at a certain point in the rotation and looser in the rest. I'm still new enough to the motorcycle mechanics that I'm not sure what to make of it. Guess I better call the shop.


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