The commute has been relatively tame. I did have one morning that I got a good scare, but it turned out to be nothing. I was in a lane on I-15 that exits on 53rd South. It is also a lane that has people merging on from 45th South. It's one of those that's tricky because the drivers exiting are having to move through this lane to get off at the same time and place that the drivers entering. So I'm in this lane and I decide to move to the furthest inside lane so I'm out of the way of the entering and exiting vehicles. I signaled to change to my right and as I looked over my right should to check my path a huge black vehicle comes flying past right where I'm about go. My heart jumps in my throat and I learch on the brake, at the same time to realize that it is just the shadow of the semi passing on my left, casting its shadow across my lane. What a relief. I thought I was going to be clipped, and then rear-end by my quick decleration. Fortunatley all was well. Just watch out for shadows.

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