Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow Days or Early April Fools

So last Friday and Saturday were such beautiful spring days, one could only imagine what wonderful warm days of riding lay ahead. Of course, in Utah it is never a good idea to get your riding hopes up on the first day of spring. Spring and Winter here are kinda chummy and and they like to pull nasty pranks like 70 degree sunny days followed by 30 degree snow days the next. Oh well, one can but wish and hope.

I won't get too sad, though. We do need the water. Our snowpack levels went from 100% in February to 80% in March because of the early warm weather. I hate drought, so bring on the rain.... But, can we ease off on the snow?

Now that I've got this blog going, I'd occasionally like to post information about my bike. I'm sure some hardcore riders may question my belonging to the brotherhood because I ride a small Korean cruiser (Hyosung GV250). Well, frankly, it is all I can afford (and allowed by my wife), and it suites my skill level and needs right now. But with that said. It is probably the one of the best bikes in it's class. I really stumbled into it. I had never heard of it the day before I bought it--literally. For what it is, I have completely fallen in love with it. I'll probably share more later, but in the mean time, check out this article comparing small bikes. It was pivotal in my decision to buy this bike. In the comparison "Everyone agreed it was the only one that seemed like an "honest-to-goodness cruiser.""

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ride Log - 20 March 2009

SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!! Excelent riding day. The temperature was fabulous. I was actually warm this evening. The Morning commute was uneventful except for a couple of drivers that merged into my lane a little too close. It wasn't bad, but not great. This is one reason I wish that Driver's Ed. included motorcycle training. It might give everyone some level of awareness of how much space they should give everyone, but especially riders.

The Evening commute was really enjoyable. Probably passed about 2 dozen other riders between work and home. It will be a great ride weekend. Too bad monday will be cold again. Doubt I'll ride monday. There was a huge accident past the Exit 99 Offramp to Tooele. There have been 2-3 of these each year. It usually consists of somebody pulling out of McDonalds in front of someone flying in off the ramp. It really is a bad road configuration. Looks like a pickup truck broadsided a van. Saw at least two choppers fly out and there were about 3 ambulances on site. Looks like quite a mess. Makes for some great congestion onto the freeway which increases the danger.
(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~45F; Evening Temp:~62F; wind: 1 mph W; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Kamelot, One Cold Winter's Night & Saxon, Solid Ball of Rock, Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask,heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ride Log - 19 March 2009

Good ride again. Still cool. Traffic was fairly light. Nothing interesting to report.
(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~40F; Evening Temp:~58F; wind: 1 mph SE; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Collective Soul, Seven Year Itch & Hootie and the Blowfish, Cracked Rear View, Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask,heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)


Evening Ride - Uneventful. Small headwind, but nothing bad. Temperature was enough to almost feel warm.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ride Log - 18 March 2009

Smooth, uneventful ride this morning. A little bit chillier; almost crispy. Can't wait for 50F morning temps.
(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~40F; wind: 1 mph S; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Nightwish, Dark Passion Play . Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask,heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)
Evening - Rode down to Pleasant Grove for some voice lessons and then rode back home. 40 minutes down and 60 minutes back home. My tail thinks that is a very looong ride.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ride Log - 17 March 2009

Just about as nice as yesterday. Much better without the breeze. Speeds on the 201 were surprisingly fast today. Saw several more riders today.
(Conditions - Time: 7:30; Morning temp: ~45F; wind: 1 mph W; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: - . Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask,heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut (always). )


Evening: went home at about 4:45pm. Relaxing ride. I thought it was still too cold for bugs, but no, I picked up my first bugs of the year, and they were decent sized little flies (see pic). In fact, the other night I smashed an nice, plump, blood-engourged mosquito.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ride Log - 16 March 2009

Beautiful--almost--ride this morning! Almost, because the 10mph S wind kept trying to push me around making for a tense ride. But the temperature was magnificent. The cool air was almost invigorating! As I came around from behind the mountain into the sun I could almost hear the angels sing, but for the music of Dragonforce in my earbuds (I'm going to start adding my music to ride profile). Spring is on the doorstep. The door will open friday, but I'm sure she won't come inside to stay for a couple more weeks. No traffic incidents today, though it was a little heavy on the 201. This afternoon will be magnicent I'm sure with 60+F temps. I think I'll lose the sweater, mask and heavy gloves.
(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~43F; wind: ~10 mph SW; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Dragonforce, Inhuman Rampage. Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask,heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut (always).)


Evening ride: rode home about 9:30pm due to an impromptu family gathering in Provo. Conditions were about the same as the morning ride except dark. Don't like the dark. Always afraid of what is gone jump unexpectedly into my headlight beam. Otherwise, nice ride.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ride Log - 13 March 2009

I decided I'm going to start a riding log. I love to ride my '08 Hyosung GV 250. I take just about any chance I can to get my head in the wind. Since I bought the bike last summer I've already logged about 9,000 Km (~5,400 miles; the bike is Korean with the gauges in Km). I've been able to ride to work about half of the days of January and February. If it's dry, I'm ridin'. Is it cold? YES! But, I bundle up well and I usually avoid frostbite and hypothermia before I get to work. One day I'll invest in some electric vests and gloves. But I've found I can tolerate a 45-60 min. ride in 25 degrees or higher.

(Morning temp: ~25F; wind: ~7 mph NW; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Clothing: Jacket with liner, Neoprene face mask, leather chaps, Flannel-lined jeans, heavy gloves, Helmut (always).)
Good ride this morning. A little busy on the on-ramp to I-80. A pick-up w/ trailer 3 cars ahead started to change lanes and nearly ran a small car off the left shoulder. Good reminder to check your sides and pay attention to the 2, 4 and 12 second rules (2 second following, 4 and 12 second ahead awareness). Big chunk of plastic and debris in the center lane of I-15 and 33rd south. Patrolman on the side of the road trying to figure out how he's going to get the junk off of the moning commute freeway. Another reminder to SEE (See, Evaluate, Execute). Looking forward to this afternoon's ride in 45F.


Evening ride. Comfortable ride with temps in the high 40's. No incidents.