Friday, March 20, 2009

Ride Log - 20 March 2009

SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!! Excelent riding day. The temperature was fabulous. I was actually warm this evening. The Morning commute was uneventful except for a couple of drivers that merged into my lane a little too close. It wasn't bad, but not great. This is one reason I wish that Driver's Ed. included motorcycle training. It might give everyone some level of awareness of how much space they should give everyone, but especially riders.

The Evening commute was really enjoyable. Probably passed about 2 dozen other riders between work and home. It will be a great ride weekend. Too bad monday will be cold again. Doubt I'll ride monday. There was a huge accident past the Exit 99 Offramp to Tooele. There have been 2-3 of these each year. It usually consists of somebody pulling out of McDonalds in front of someone flying in off the ramp. It really is a bad road configuration. Looks like a pickup truck broadsided a van. Saw at least two choppers fly out and there were about 3 ambulances on site. Looks like quite a mess. Makes for some great congestion onto the freeway which increases the danger.
(Conditions - Time: 8:00am; Morning temp: ~45F; Evening Temp:~62F; wind: 1 mph W; Conditions: Clear, dry, sunny. Music: Kamelot, One Cold Winter's Night & Saxon, Solid Ball of Rock, Clothing: Jacket with liner, Sweater, Neoprene face mask,heavy gloves, leather chaps and Helmut.)


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